On 01-09-2017, two new diplomas entered into force within the “new legislative framework”, covered by the so-called free movement package, diplomas that transpose European Union Directives drawn up under the common framework of general principles and reference provisions of legislation of Union harmonization, provided for in the Decision No. 768/2008/EC of 9/07 which aims to complement Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 of 9/07, on a common framework for the marketing of products.
Both diplomas provide for the rights and obligations of economic operators – Manufacturers, Agents, Importers and Distributors – in the manufacturing, placing and distribution processes on the market, the safety requirements that they must comply with, defined in the respective annexes and the rules and conditions for affixing the “CE Marking”.
Equipment and protection systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, approved by Decree-Law No. 111-C/2017, of 31/08, which transposes Directive no. 2014/34/EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 26 February. (referred to as the ATEX Directive).
This diploma establishes the safety rules applicable to:
- Devices and protection systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and the components intended to be incorporated in these appliances;
- Safety devices, control and regulation devices intended to be used outside potentially explosive atmospheres, but which are necessary or which contribute to the safe operation of equipment and protection systems with regard to to the risks of explosion.
For the purposes of the diploma, it is understood by:
- “Appliance” means machines, materials, fixed or mobile devices, control organs and instruments, detection and prevention systems which, alone or in combination, are intended for the production, transport, storage, measurement, regulation, conversion of energy and/or transformation of materials and which, due to their own potential sources of inflammation, may cause an explosion.
- ‘Explosive atmosphere’ means a mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions, of flammable substances in the form of gases, vapours, mists or dusts, in which, after ignition, combustion propagates to the entire unburned mixture.
- “Potentially explosive atmosphere”, atmosphere likely to become explosive as a result of local and operational conditions.
- “Protection systems” means devices other than device components, the function of which is to stop incipient explosions immediately and/or limit the area affected by an explosion and which are made available on the market separately as systems with autonomous functions.
Equipment under pressure
Pressure Equipment (ESP), approved by Decree-Law No. 111-D/2017, of 31/08, transposing Directive No. 2014/68/EU, of the Parliament, to the national legal order European and Council, 15 May.
This diploma applies to pressure equipment or assemblies subject to a maximum allowable pressure (PS) greater than 0.5 bar, covering:
- New pressure equipment and assemblies produced by a manufacturer based in the Union;
- Pressure equipment or assemblies, new or second-hand, imported from a third country.
Within the scope of this diploma, the following are considered:
«Pressure equipment», containers, pipes, safety fittings and accessories under pressure, including, where applicable, components connected to parts under pressure, such as flanges, pipes, couplings , supports, lifting eyes.
“Assemblies”, several pressure equipment joined together by a manufacturer, to form an integrated and functional whole.