The transition period for UKCA marking has been extended until 31 December 2024, confirms the official UK Public Sector Information website. Until then, all companies can continue to use the CE marking. The legislation also establishes that, if the product is placed on the market in GB with the CE mark before 23:00 on December 31, 2024, it does not need to be rescheduled or rectified and can continue to circulate in the UK market until it reaches its final user. This also includes, products that have been marked and evaluated with the CE marking with conformity assessment procedures before 23:00 on 31 December 2024.

The UK adopted the directives and regulations of EU, and because of that, the same procedures conformity assessment.


Step 1: If your product was previously CE marked, now you will need to use UKCA marking.

Step 2: Check the appropriate route for conformity assessment. If you previously used the CE mark you should follow the same rules to choose your method of conformity assessment.

Step 3: Identify an appropriate approved body. You should certify that it’s approved by the UKAS

Step 4: Draft the technical documentation and Declaration of Conformity.

Step 5: Affix the UKCA marking (on the packaging or on accompanying documentation, since the rules be allow it). You may appoint an authorised representative to do this for you.

These amendments do not apply to medical devices, construction products, cableways, unmanned aircraft systems, transportable pressure equipment, rail products and marine equipment.

In case at the conformity assessment – like says the oficial website of UK – this one «should be elaborated for the most of the products loialty marked with UKCA» and « should be separated of the  Declaration of Conformity of EU» of the same product.

If a third person, intervened at the process of conformity, besides that, an organism aproved by the UK and the references of the Certification of Conformity issued should be indicated.


Which countries are covered by the UKCA? The United Kingdom, which includes: England, Scotland and Wales.

What products are covered by the UKCA? The same products are covered by the CE marking.

 Since when is UKCA marking obrigatory? Since 1 January 2025

Which companies are certified to be an authorized representative in the UK? You can consult the link .

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