One single contact to manage the step by step process to obtain the CE marking.
How to meet the safety, performance, and environmental health requirements, and how to obtain the CE marking for your product?
How to reconcile the information when some of it is contradictory?
Should this process be so complex and expensive?
Which are the entities involved?
If these are some of your questions, please check the following resources that we have at your disposal.
Ensure the conformity of the products that you place on the European Market
How can we help
We have an independent, rigorous and comprehensive approach on your product’s compliance with EU standards and regulations.
We are at your side to ensure compliance of your product (s) at any time and provide you with the resources for that, if you wish, you can manage this process with confidence.
We are at your side to ensure your product(s)’ compliance at all times, and provide you with the resources so that, if you wish, you can manage the process with confidence