Ecological Labeling: New Regulation

Regulation establishing an energy efficiency labeling scheme and replacing current legislation (Directive 2010/30/EU) was adopted by the Commission. Regulation EU No. 2017/1369.

The energy labeling legislative framework allows customers to be more aware of the energy efficiency and energy consumption of household appliances (such as dishwashers, televisions, refrigerators, etc.), which will help them to reduce their energy costs . It will also contribute to moderating energy demand and meeting the Union’s energy efficiency targets for 2020 and 2030.

The regulation sets deadlines for replacing the current classes A+, A++ and A+++ by a scale from A to G and also defines a procedure for rescheduling the labels based on technological developments. This prevents long-term overuse of higher efficiency classes, also creating incentives for innovation and pushing less efficient products out of the market.

The proposal also contains clearer rules on promotion campaigns and national incentives to promote the highest efficiency classes, and aims to improve enforcement mechanisms and transparency vis-à-vis customers by creating a database of products covered by requirements. energy labeling.


Main new elements of the regulation
  • Rescheduling : Fixed deadlines are established for the first rescheduling of all labeled products, divided into three categories: – A general period of 6 years, combined with 18 additional months for the introduction of the label on the stores;- A period of 15 months for “white” products (dishwashers, refrigerators, washing machines), combined with 12 additional months for the introduction of the label in stores and 9 years for heaters and boilers, with a 13 year sunset clause. When all class A+ tags have disappeared from the market, the new rescheduling will be triggered by a surplus in the higher classes – 30% in class A or 50% in class A +B. At the time of this rescheduling, the two highest classes should remain empty, aspiring to a 10-year label validity period.
  • Product Database: will become operational from January 2019, enabling Member States’ market surveillance authorities to enforce compliance with labeling requirements and ensure that the calculations of efficiencies underlying the label correspond to the calculations stated by the manufacturers. This public database will emphasize user friendliness and practical use. The compliance part of the database has been designed to safeguard the confidentiality and security of manufacturers’ sensitive business data.
  • The delegated acts will constitute the main instrument for the rescheduling procedure, but for the database and the safeguard procedure it was decided to resort to implementing acts.

SOURCE: Council of the European Union

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